Senin, 20 September 2010
Gerakan - Gerakan Brain Gym Untuk Bayi
Gerakan Silang Usia 0-3 Bulan
- Gerakan silang diberikan dalam posisi telentang.
- Tangan kiri digerakkan dengan kaki kanan dan sebaliknya.
- Di akhir usia 3 bulan, bayi harus bisa membolak-balikkan badan.
- Stimulasi gerak silang dapat merangsang kekuatan otot tangan.
Gerakan Silang Usia 4-8 Bulan
- Bayi mulai berusaha meraih benda yang ada dihadapanya.
- Stimulasi gerak silang mengkondisikan otak kanan dan kiri bayi untuk melatih koordinasi mata dan gerak motoriknya. Dengan adanya koordinasi tersebut, bayi dapat meraih benda di dekatnya.
Gerakan Brain Gym Usia 6-12 Bulan
- Tekan saklar otak
gerakan saklar otak dilakukan dengan
memijit dua titik di bawah clavicular kiri-kanan atau tulang di bawah leher. Sementara tangan lain memegang pusar. Ini bertujuan mengaktifkan sisi otak kiri dan kanan, sehingga meningkatkan energi ke mata.
- Tekan tombol angkasa
Selanjutnya, gerakan tombol angkasa yang memijat titik di atas bibir bawah dan tangan lain memegang tulang ekor mengaktifkan energi ke otak, menyeimbangkan kemampuan melihat jauh dan dekat, serta menyeimbangkan emosi.
- Tekan tombol bumi
dengan memijit titik di bawah bibir dan tangan lain di tulang kemaluan. Gunanya untuk mengaktifkan energi di otak tengah yang dapat menyeimbangkan emosi, mengasah kemampuan anak menengok dimensi atas dan bawah.
- Lakukan gerakan homolateral
dengan menggerakkan kaki kiri dengan tangan kiri--bergantian dengan sisi yang lain--secara pasif. Gerakan ini bermanfaat untuk mengaktifkan spesialisasi otak kiri dan kanan serta lateralisasi yang tercermin dari kemampuan anak memakai baju sendiri, lempar-tangkap bola, menggambar, komunikasi, dan bernapas.
Brain Gym Usia 13-24 Bulan
- Lakukan saklar otak, tombol angkasa, tombol bumi, dan homolateral.
- Gerakan silang
fokus pada bahu dan panggul dengan cara menggerakkan kaki kiri dan tangan kiri menyilang ke kanan bergantian dengan sisi sebaliknya. Ini berguna untuk mengaktifkan otak kiri dan kanan secara simultan seraya menyeimbangkan fungsi kedua belahan otak tersebut.
- Dr. Attila Dewanti SpA dari Klinik Khusus Tumbuh Kembang / Kepala Klinik Neurologi Anak RSAB Harapan Kita, Jakarta
- Lely Tobing, Principal Twinkle Star
Minggu, 19 September 2010
What is brain gym?
- Learn anything faster & more easily
- Be more focused & organised
- Overcome learning difficulties (ADD & ADHD)
- Reach new levels of excellence
- Start & finish projects with ease
What is Brain Gym?
Brain Gym is a program of 26 physical movements that enhance learning & performance in all areas. Developed in the 1970's through the work of educators Dr.Paul & Gail Dennison in response to their quest to seek more effective ways to help children & adults with learning difficulties. Brain Gym is an innovative new approach to learning that was drawn from a wide body of research from developmental specialists focused on the role that physical movements played in enhancing learningabilities. Brain Gym has received world wide appraise & is now used in more than 80 countries,taught is thousands of schools & in areas as diverse as the performing arts,athletics & the corporate world. Brain Gym is similar & different to other movement programs in that Brain Gym helps to increase flexibility & coordination, but differs from other programs because it also provides specific activities to facilitate brain function for physical skills required for activities such as reading, writing & spelling.
SENAM OTAK Cara Lain Mengatasi Anak Sulit Belajar
Apalagi, bila si kecil termasuk anak yang mengalami kesulitan dalam
belajar. Tentu saja, gerakan yang dilakukan tidak boleh
sembarangan.Senam otak (brain gym) adalah rangkaian latihan gerakan
sederhana yang dilakukan untuk memudahkan kegiatan belajar. Rangkaian
gerakan yang dilakukan bisa memperbaiki konsentrasi belajar si kecil,
meningkatkan rasa percaya diri, menguatkan motivasi belajar, serta
membuatnya lebih mampu mengendalikan stres. Itulah sebabnya, latian
ini cocok untuk si kecil, terutama untuk menunjang belajarnya di
sekolah.Cuma itu ? Tentu saja tidak. Senam otak juga sangat praktis,
karena bisa dilakukan di mana saja, kapan saja, dan oleh siapa saja.
Porsi latihan yang tepat adalah
sekitar 10-15 menit, sebanyak 2-3
kali dalam sehari.Latihan-latihan senam otak ini adalah inti dari
Educational Kinesiology. Sebenarnya, education berasal dari kata
latin, yakni educare; yang berarti menarik keluar. Sementara itu,
kinesiology berasal dari bahasa Yunani, yakni kinesis, artinya
gerakan. Jadi kinesiology adalah ilmu tentang gerakan tubuh manusia.
Educational Kinesiology, untuk selanjutnya disingkat Edu-Kinestetik,
merupakan metode yang dikembangkan oleh Paul E. Dennison, seorang
pendidik di Amerika, Direktur Valley Remedial Group Learning Center.
Metode yang diciptakannya ini bertujuan untuk menolong para pelajar
agar memanfaatkan seluruh potensi belajar alamiah (yang terpendam)
melalui gerakan tubuh dan sentuhan. Apalagi, ditemukan bahwa beberapa
anak berusaha terlalu keras, sehingga mekanisme integrasi otaknya
justru dilemahkan. Akibatnya, anak malah mengalami hambatan dan
kesulitan dalam belajar. Padahal, sebenarnya integrasi otak
diperlukan agar kegiatan belajarnya utuh.
Senam ini sebaiknya dilakukan ketika si kecil berusia 6 tahun. Sebab,
pada usia ini biasanya ia sudah dapat memberi respons terhadap apa
yang diinginkan oleh orang lain. Kalau pun tidak mampu merespons, ia
tetap dapat melakukan senam secara pasif. Artinya, dalam posisi
berbaring, si kecil tetap dapat dituntun untuk melakukan berbagai
Menulusuri sistem kerja otak
Otak memegang peranan yang sangat penting bagi kelangsungan hidup
manusia. Karena, organ yang beratnya 1400 gram dan memiliki volume
sekitar 230 cm3 ini merupakan pusat pengendali berbagai aktivitas
fisik maupun mental. Boleh dibilang, sistem kerja organ yang satu ini
memang begitu kompleks.
Otak itu sendiri merupakan kumpulan jaringan syaraf yang terlindungi
di dalam tengkorak. Jaringan syaraf yang tersusun dari bermilyar-
milyar neuron (sel syaraf) ini terbagi menjadi dua, yakni otak besar
(serebrum) yang terdiri dari belahan otak kanan dan kiri dan otak
kecil (serebelum).
Otak juga memiliki sistem komunikasi yang dapat bereaksi cepat dalam
mengorganisasikan dan merencanakan respons terhadap informasi atau
rangsangan yang masuk. Ketika informasi masuk, neuron (kesatuan
syaraf) akan "menelepon" neuron lainnya, "temannya". Mula-mula pesan
akan diterima oleh dendrit (serabut pada neuron). Lalu, impuls pesan
tersebut disalurkan melalui "kabel telepon", yakni sepanjang akson
(bagian dari neuron yang menyerupai batang). Selanjutnya, akson akan
meneruskan impuls ke sinaps, yakni serabut yang merupakan tempat
pertemuan antar-neuron yang hendak menyampaikan impuls pada neuron
lain. Dari sinaps, pesan berpindah ke dendrit yang terdapat pada
neuron lain. Proses penyampaian pesan seperti ini akan membentuk
respons, ingatan atau pikiran seseorang.
Masalahnya, seringkali informasi yang diterima otak tidak dapat
diekspresikan kembali secara utuh. Ketidakmampuan untuk mengungkapkan
apa yang telah dipelajari akan menimbulkan perasaan gagal dan stres,
sehingga semangat belajar si kecil pun berkurang. Bila ia kurang
belajar, tentu prestasinya akan kian merosot dan perasaan gagal akan
terus mendera. Karena itulah, otak si kecil perlu juga diajak
Senam otak bertujuan untuk mengaktifkan potensi belahan otak
(hemisfer) kanan dan kiri, sehingga pada akhirnya terjadi integrasi
atau kerja sama antar keduanya. Secara garis besar, hemisfer kiri
digunakan untuk berpikir logis dan rasional, menganalisa, bicara,
serta berorientasi pada waktu dan hal-hal yang terinci. Sementara
hemisfer kanan digunakan untuk hal-hal yang intuitif, merasakan,
bermusik, menari, kreatif, dan sebagainya. Selain itu hemisfer kiri
akan mengatur badan, mata dan telinga kanan, serta hemisfer kanan
akan mengontrol badan, mata dan telinga kiri. Nah, kedua hemisfer
ini "disambung" dengan corpus callosum, yakni simpul saraf kompleks
dimana terjadi transmisi informasi antar-belahan otak. Bila sirkuit-
sirkuit informasi dari kedua belahan otak cepat menyilang, maka
kemampuan belajar anak bisa "dibangkitkan". Untuk membaca dengan
lancar, menulis dengan benar, mendengarkan dan berpikir pada saat
yang sama, kita memang harus mampu "menyeberang garis tengah" yang
menghubungkan otak bagian kiri dan kanan. Itu sebabnya, anak yang
disleksia (kesulitan membaca), disgrafia (kesulitan menulis), tidak
percaya diri, cenderung menarik diri dari pergaulan, atau hiperaktif
(terlalu aktif), dapat juga "diaktifkan" melalui senam otak ini.
PACE, kesiapan untuk belajar
Sebelum si kecil mulai belajar apapun, ia harus menjalani PACE. PACE
adalah empat keadaan yang diperlukan untuk belajar dengan menggunakan
seluruh otak, dan
PACE itu sendiri merupakan singkatan dari Positif,
Aktif, Clear (jelas) dan
Energitis Untuk melakukan PACE ini, si kecil
harus memulainya dari Energetis
(minum air), Clear (melakukan pijatan
saklar otak), Aktif (melakukan gerakan
silang), serta Positif
(melakukan Hook Ups).
Minum Air
Minum air putih dalam jumlah cukup banyak, yaitu
0,3 - 0,4 liter / 10 kg Berat Badan (BB) sehari, kalau anak sedang
belajar. Misalnya saja, dengan BB 50 kg, ia harus minum sekitar 1,5 -
2 liter / hari. Namun, Kalau ia sedang sakit atau banyak berkeringat,
jumlah air putih yang diminumnya harus bertambah lagi, yakni menjadi
0,6 liter / 10 kg BB. Jadi, ia harus minum air sekitar 3 liter.
Air mempunyai banyak fungsi dalam badan untuk menunjang belajar anak.
Di antaranya adalah, darah lebih banyak menerima zat asam yang
diperlukan untuk belajar, melepas protein yang diperlukan untuk
belajar hal baru, melarutkan garam yang mengoptimalkan fungsi energi
listrik tubuh untuk membawa informasi ke otak, serta mengaktifkan
sistem limpa. Limpa berfungsi untuk mengangkut zat-zat gizi, hormon,
dan sebagai saluran pembuangan.
Memijat saklar otak
Pijatan ini memiliki beberapa manfaat
yakni mengkoordinasi kedua belahan otak, meningkatkan kelancaran
aliran darah (zat asam) ke otak, meningkatkan keseimbangan badan,
serta meningkatkan kerja sama antar-kedua mata, sehingga dapat
mengurangi kejulingan.
Pijatan pada titik ini akan meningkatkan peredaran darah ke otak.
Berat otak kira-kira 1/50 dari berat badan, namun untuk berfungsi
optimal diperlukan 1/5 dari peredaran darah. Sementara itu, tangan di
pusat (perut) menyeimbangkan impuls-impuls yang berhubungan dengan
telinga bagian dalam dan berpengaruh pada kemampuan belajar.
Memijit Saklar Otak: Pijat lekukan di bawah tulang selangka, yakni di
kiri dan kana dari bidang dada. Sementara tangan lainnya menggosok
daerah pusat. Sambil melakukan latihan, gerakkan mata ke atas-bawah
dan kiri-kanan
Gerakan Silang
Otak mengapung di dalam cairan otak. Dan,
cairan otak ini memiliki beberapa fungsi, seperti melindungi otak
dari gegar otak, di samping berfungsi secara elektris. Seperti halnya
baterai mobil, otak manusia juga memerlukan sejenis alat elektro
kimiawi, agar arus listriknya dapat mengalir. Jika aliran cairan otak
tersendat-sendat, berarti telah terjadi ketidakseimbangan dalam
aliran informasi di otak. Hal ini juga berkaitan dengan sistem
informasi antar otak dan badan yang dapat terhambat koordinasinya.
Gerakan silang melancarkan peredaran cairan otak, sehingga gangguan
tersebut hilang.
Belahan otak kanan mengontrol belahan tubuh kiri, demikian juga
sebalikanya. Di samping itu, terdapat bagian otak dengan fungsi
tertentu, seperti menyangkut fungsi intelektual, kontrol otak, dan
Perkembangan bayi normal mengarah pada koordinasi kiri dan kanan yang
makin serasi. Hal ini merupakan dasar pertumbuhan intelektual dan
mental. Gerakan yang sangat menunjang pertumbuhan itu adalah gerakan
merangkak. Dasar gerakan inilah yang merupakan awal fungsi koordinasi
Gerakan silang sangat bermanfaat bagi anak yang sulit belajar atau
yang mengalami kesulitan koordinasi. Gerakan ini memang memiliki
berbagai manfaat, seperti meningkatkan daya ingat dan daya pikir,
membuat pikiran lebih jernih dan meningkatkan koordinasi tubuh, dan
Gerakan Silang prinsipnya adalah mempertemukan anggota gerak bagian kiri dan kana, misalnya tangan kiri dengan kaki kana. Agar koordinasi gerak ini lebih "terasa", tangan kanan di samping tubuh. Sebenarnya, setiap gerakan silang merupakan sejenis gerak jalan yang lebih disengaja. Lakukan latihan beberapa kali dalam sehari selama 2-3 menit. Mulailah dengan gerakan pelan, agar dapat diperhatikan bagian tubuh yang bergerak dan tidak bergerak
Hook Ups
Latihan ini menghubungkan semua lingkungan fungsi
bio listrik tubuh. Kekacauan aliran energi dapat diatur kembali bila
energi beredar dengan lancar di bagian tubuh yang tadinya tegang.
Manfaatnya adalah si kecil menjadi lebih percaya diri, dan
perhatiannya akan lebih seksama.
Gerakan menyentuh ujung-ujung jari tangan akan menyeimbangkan dan
menghubungkan dua belahan otak. Ditambah dengan menempatkan lidah di
langit-langit mulut, maka perhatian dipusatkan pada otak bagian
tengah. Emosi di dalam sistem limbik (yang bertanggung jawab terhadap
informasi emosional dan otak besar untuk berpikir abstrak)
dihubungkan dengan otak bagian dahi, sehingga orang lebih seimbang
dan lebih mampu menyesuaikan dengan tuntutan belajar
Gerakan ini bisa dilakukan dalam posisi duduk, berbaring atau berdiri. Mata kaki kiri
disilangkan di atas kaki kanan. Tangan dijulurkan ke depan dan
disilangkan dengan posisi tangan kiri di atas tangan kanan dan jempol
ke arah bawah. Lalu, tangan diputar ke bawah dan ditarik sampai di
muka dada, sehingga jempol ke arah atas. Tutup mata dan tarik napas
dalam-dalam dengan lidah ditempelkan di langit-langit mulut sekitar 1
cm di belakang gigi.Buang napas panjang melalui mulut, dan lidah
lepaskan lagi. b. Kedua kaki agak meregang. Ujung-ujung jari kedua
tangan disambung dengan halus di depan dada, lalu lakukan napas dalam
selama 1 menit.
Beda dimensi, beda gerakan
Otak itu sendiri dibagi menjadi 3 dimensi, yakni dimensi lateralis
(otak kiri-kanan), dimensi pemfokusan (otak depan belakang), serta
dimensi pemusatan (otak atas-bawah). Masing-masing dimensi memiliki
tugas tertentu, sehingga gerakan senam yang harus dilakukan si kecil
juga bervariasi.
Dimensi lateralitas
Otak terdiri atas dua bagian, yakni kiri dan kanan, di mana masing-
masing belahan otak mempunyai tugas tertentu. Bila kerja sama antara
otak kiri dan kanan kurang baik, anak sulit membedakan antara kiri
dan kanan, gerakannya kaku, tulisan tangannya jelek atau cenderung
menulis huruf terbalik, sulit membaca dan menulis, mengikuti sesuatu
dengan mata, sulit menggerakkan mata tanpa mengikutinya dengan
kepala, tangan miring ke dalam ketika menulis, cenderung melihat ke
bawah sambil berpikir, keliru dengan huruf (seperti d dan b, p dan
q), serta menyebut kata sambil menulis.
Beberapa gerakan untuk dimensi ini adalah 8 Tidur dan Gajah
8 Tidur Berdiri dengan kaki agak meregang dan kepala menghadap ke
depan. Angkat tangan ke depan dan kepalkan, dengan posisi jempol
dalam keadaan mengacung. Gerakan dimulai dengan menaikkan jempol ke
kiri atas, dan turun ke bawah, lalu kembali ke titik awal. Hal yang
sama dilakukan pada sisi kana. Seiring dengan itu, mata mengikuti
gerakan yang sama. Ulangi gerakan sebanyak 5 kali untuk masing-masing
tangan, dan kedua tangan secara bersamaan. Manfaat : mengaktifkan
kerja sama kedua belahan otak, meningkatkan kemampuan penglihatan,
juga membedakan dan menghafal simbol, serta menghilangkan kekeliruan
dalam membedakan huruf. Gajah:Seperti posisi gerakan 8 tidur, tetapi
kedua lutut sedikit ditekuk. Angkat tangan kiri lurus ke depan dengan
telapak tangan dalam keadaan terbuka, kemudian letakkan telinga di
atas bahu. Bayangkan tangan seolah-olah merupakan belalai gajah yang
bersatu dengan kepala. Lalu, mulailah membentuk angka 8 tidur. Mata
harus mengikuti gerakan tersebut. Lakukan gerakan ini, sekitar 10
kali untuk setiap tangan. Manfaat : mengaktifkan telinga bagian dalam
yang berpengaruh pada keseimbangan tubuh, mengkoordinasikan otak
untuk mengaktifkan kedua telinga dan mata, mengendurkan otot tengkuk,
meningkatkan daya ingat, dan koordinasi tubuh bagian atas dan bawah.
Dimensi pemfokusan
Pemfokusan adalah kemampuan untuk menyeberang "garis tengah
keterlibatan" yang memisahkan otak bagian belakang dan depan.
Informasi diterima oleh otak bagian belakang yang merekam semua
pengalaman, lalu informasi diproses dan diteruskan ke otak bagian
depan untuk mengekspresikannya sesuai tuntutan atau keinginannya.
Bila si kecil takut, gugup atau mengalami stres saat belajar, secara
refleks energi ditarik ke otak bagian belakang, sehingga otak bagian
depan mengalami kekurangan energi. Akibatnya, jawaban yang tadinya
sudah siap, tiba-tiba "terlupa" atau tidak mampu dijawabn dengan
sempurna. Refleks alamiah ini muncul bila seseorang merasa dirinya
dalam keadaan bahaya atau terancam hidupnya. Tidak ada waktu untuk
berpikir, namun ia harus segera "berjuang dan melarikan diri". Karena
itu, tubuh akan segera menegangkan otot-otot dan memperpendek tendon
atau urat-urat di tubuh bagian belakang dari kepala sampai ke ke
kaki. Hal ini akan berpengaruh pada sikap tubuh dan mengacaukan
keseimbangan di dalam telinga dan orientasi gerak.
Bila tubuh telah terbiasa dengan refleksi pelindung tendon tersebut,
maka sulit untuk menghilangkannya. Gerakan meregangkan otot telah
terbukti efektif dalam mengendorkan urat dan otot sehingga energi
dapat mengalir sampai di otak bagian depan yang menunjang kemampuan
memahami, mengontrol gerakan dan tingkah laku yang logis untuk
melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan sosial.
Ciri khas jika otak bagian depan dan belakang kurang bekerja sama
adalah otot tengkuk dan bahu tegang, kurang bersemangat untuk
belajar, serta reaksi pelan. Lalu hambatam otak bagian belakang
berupa anak terlalu aktif, konsentrasi dan analisis anak dalam
rentang yang terlalu pendek, terlalu terinci, kurang fleksibel,
kadang-kadang agresif, kurang rileks atau istirahat untuk memikirkan
sesuatu lebih luas. Hambatan otak bagian depan berupa anak pasif,
melamun, bila stres bingung, hipoaktif (kurang aktif), serta
kemampuan untuk memperhatikan kurang, namun perasaan dan suasana
(merekam dengan jelas).
Contoh gerakan untuk dimensi ini adalah Burung Hantu.
Burung Hantu Berdiri dengan kedua kaki meregang. Letakkan telapak
tangan kiri pada bahu kanan, sementara tangan kanan dibiarkan
bebas.Sambil menengok ke kiri dan kanan, telapak tangan kiri "meremas-
remas" bahu. Tarik napas pada saat kepala menghadap lurus ke depan,
lalu buang napas ketika kepala ke samping. Ulangi untuk tangan
lainnya. Lakukan latihan sebanyak 10 kali.Manfaat : mengkoordinasikan
pendengaran, penglihatan dan gerakan tubuh; meningkatkan konsentrasi
dan sebagainya.
Abjad 8:Alfabet yang dibuat berdasarkan 8 tidur ini dapat dilakukan
anak dengan dua tangan (jarinya "dikunci") bersama di udara dan di
papan tulis agar otot-otot besar di tangan, bahudan dada diaktifkan.
Kemudian, 8 tiudr digambarkan lebih kecil di kertas atau buku tulis
dan diikutinya dengan alat tulis. Tulislah 8 tidur beberapa kali,
lalu sambunglah dengan satu huruf pilihan, kemudian diteruskan lagi
dengan beberapa gerakan 8 tidur.Manfaat : mengaktifkan kedua belahan
otak, menunjang koordinasi tangan-mata, dapat membedakan dan
menghafal symbol dan huruf, dan sebagainya.
Dimensi pemusatan
Pemusatan adalah kemampuan untuk menyeberang garis pemisah antara
tubuh bagian bawah dan atas sesuai dengan fungsi-fungsi otak bagian
bawah dan atas, yaitu sistem limbik. Apa yang dipelajari harus dapat
dihubungkan dengan perasaan dan memberi arti. Bila kerja sama antar-
otak besar dan sistem limbik terganggu, si kecil sulit merasakan
emosi atau mengekspresikannya, cenderung bertingkah laku "berjuang
atau melarikan diri" serta dapat mengalami ketakutan yang berlebihan.
Dalam keadaan stres, tegangan listrik berkurang di otak besar,
sehingga fungsinya pun terganggu.
Tubuh manusia adalah satu sistem listrik yang sangat kompleks. Semua
kesan dan masukan melalui mata, telinga dan gerakan diubah ke dalam
sinyal listrik dan diteruskan melalui serabut saraf ke otak.
Sebaliknya, otak mengirim sinyal listrik lainnya untuk memerintah
cara bereaksi pada sistem penglihatan, pendengaran dan otot-otot.
Dengan gerakan untuk meningkatkan energi dan minum air, banyak energi
elektromagnetis menjadi lancar sehingga komunikasi antar-otak dan
badan terjamin.
Ciri khas jika otak bagian atas dan bawah kurang bekerja sama adalah
bila bagian atas yang terhambat. Misalnya saja, anak bicara dan
bertindak pelan, kurang fleksibel, sulit melompat, kurang
berkonsentrasi, kurang terorganisasi, penakut, kurang percaya diri,
ragu-ragu, sulit dalam hubungan sosial dan di sekolah. Bila bagian
bawah yang terhambat menyebabkan cepat hilang keseimbangan,
mengabaikan perasaan atau menilainya negatif, bicara dan bertindak
terlalu cepat, serta ingin mendiskusikan segala hal.
Contoh gerakan untuk dimensi ini adalah Tombol Bumi, Tombol
Keseimbangan, Tombol Angkasa, Pasang Telinga, Titik Positif, dan lain�
Tombol Bumi Letakkan dua jari tangan kanan di tengah dagu, sementara
telapak tangan kiri di daerah pusat (perut). Jari-jari telapak tangan
kiri menunjuk ke bawah (lantai). Gerakan mata dari bawah (lantai) ke
atas (langit-langit), lalu kembali ke bawah sambil melakukan napas
dalam, yaitu menarik napas dalam-dalam, dan membuangnya secara
perlahan. Lakukan selama 1 menit atau sekitar 4-6 kali napas dalam.
Ulangi gerakan untuk tangan lainnya.Manfaat : melatih mata untuk
melihat benda jauh-dekat, meningkatkan koordinasi tubuh, dan lainnya.
Tombol Keseimbangan:Sentuhlah tombol keseimbangan yang
terletak di belakang telinga kiri di perbatasan rambut (bawah tulang
tengkorak) dengan beberapa jari tangan kiri. Sementara itu, letakkan
telapak tangan di daerah pusat. Posisi kepala tetap lurus ke depan.
Setelah 30 detik, lakukan untuk tangan satunya lagi. Ulangi gerakan
hingga beberapa kali. Manfaat : meningkatkan konsentrasi, membuat si
kecil lebih siap menerima pelajaran.
Titik Positif: Sentuhlah dia titik dahi, kira-kira di antara perbatasan rambut dan alis. Lakukan selama 30-60 detik.Manfaat : menenangkan pikiran dan lain-lain.
Sabtu, 18 September 2010
Multiple Personality Disorder
by: devika
Multiple personality disorder (MPD), is a condition in which a patient displays numerous distinct identities or personalities. Each of the personalities, also known as alters, has its own way of perceiving, interacting and reacting with the environment. Patients diagnosed with MPD exhibit a wide array of symptoms that fluctuate with time. The severity of the condition also varies from patient to patient. Apart from the symptoms mentioned below, patients also experience other symptoms, such as those seen in epilepsy, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, personality disorders and eating disorders. Listed below are the signs and symptoms of multiple personality disorder.Causes:
The precise cause is not known though DID is highly correlated with physical or sexual abuse in children, and many use dissociation as a defense. They seek to slip into a different state of mind where they are not being abused, and the abuse is occurring to someone else. Other evidence has linked DID with a history of brain injury and epilepsy. Onset is usually during childhood and most patients are female. DID may run in families; however, the genetic transmission question is unresolved.
Signs And Symptoms Of Multiple Personality Disorder:
Common Symptoms:
Amnesia is one of the most common symptoms of multiple pers
Gerakan Brain Gym untuk Optimalisasi Bicara pada Anak Autis
Ini Brain Gym yang saya baca di buku "I am The Child". Tapi maaf, kalo ada yang salah, wong saya aja baru mulai mau nerapin juga. Brain gym ini fokus ke gerakan untuk anak kita yang terganggu perkembangan bicaranya. Kalau sulit dibayangkan gerakannya, maaf maaf banget. Emang paling enak kalau ada videonya ya?
1. Gerakan Meregangkan Otot :
yaitu kemampuan berguling dari posisi tiarap sampai ke posisi telentang, dan sebaliknya, kemampuan membedakan daerah tubuh dan memulai gerakan dari satu bagian tubuh.
Fungsinya: membantu bicara, pemahaman dan halangan lain yang terkait dengan bicara
2. Burung Hantu Reseptif:
terapis berdiri di belakang si anak dan meremas bahu si anak sambil menolehkan kepalanya ke kiri dan ke kanan.
Fungsinya: integrasi tengkuk, integrasi visi dan mendengarkan dengan gerakan seluruh tubuh, agar bisa mensejajarkan kepala dan leher dengan lebih baik, memperhatikan, membedakan dan persepsi auditori, memori, kemampuan berpikir dan bicara.
Jumat, 10 September 2010
5 Relationship Killers and How to Avoid Them
As a relationship counselor, I am constantly being asked why so many relationships fail. In the 37 years that I have worked with couples, I have discovered five major relationship killers:
Most people enter a relationship with a deep fear of rejection, and this fear motivates various forms of controlling behavior. Controlling behavior falls into two major categories – overt control and covert control.
Overt control includes many forms of attack, such as blaming anger, rage, violence, judgment, criticism and ridicule.
Covert control includes compliance, enabling, withdrawal, defending, explaining, lying and denying. Often a person at the other end of attack will respond with some form of covert control in an attempt to have control over not being attacked.
Controlling behavior always results in resentment and emotional distance, bringing about the very rejection that it is meant to avoid.
Many people enter a relationship with a deep fear of being engulfed and controlled – of losing themselves. The moment they experience their partner wanting control over them, they respond with resistance – withdrawal, unconsciousness, numbness, forgetfulness, and procrastination.
When one partner is controlling and the other is resistant – which is really an attempt to have control over not being controlled - the relationship becomes immobilized. Partners in this relationship system feel frustrated, stagnant, and resentful.
Many people enter a relationship believing that it is their partner’s job to fill their emptiness, take away their aloneness, and make them feel good about themselves. When people have not learned how to take responsibility for their own feelings and needs, and to define their own self-worth, they may pull on their partner and others to fill them with the love they need.
Most people who feel empty inside turn to substance and process addictions in an attempt to fill their emptiness and take away the pain of their aloneness and loneliness. Alcohol and drug abuse, food, spending, gambling, busyness, Internet sex and pornography, affairs, work, TV, accumulating things, beautifying, and so on, can all be used as ways to fill emptiness and avoid fears of failure, inadequacy, rejection and engulfment. And they are all ways of shutting out your partner.
Many people are acutely aware of what their partner is doing that is causing relationship problems, but completely unaware of what they are doing. For example, you might be very aware of your partner’s resistance or withdrawal, but totally unaware of your own judgmental behavior. You might be very aware of your partner’s anger, but completely unaware of your own compliance. You might be very aware of your partner’s addictive behavior, but very unaware of your own enabling. As long as your eyes are on your partner instead of on yourself, you will continue to believe that if only your partner changed, everything would be okay.
All relationship killers come from fear – of inadequacy, of failure, of rejection and of engulfment. As long as you are coming from any of these fears, you will be behaving in one or more of the above ways.
The way out is to develop a loving adult self who knows how to take full responsibility for your own feelings and needs. You will move beyond controlling, needy and addictive behavior only when you learn how to fill your self with love and define your own inner worth. When you are willing to take your eyes off your partner’s plate and turn your eyes fully on yourself, you can begin to do the inner healing work necessary to heal yourself and your relationship.
A good place to start is to download our free Inner Bonding course and begin to practice the Six Steps of Inner Bonding. The daily practice of these steps will move you out of your addictive and controlling behavior and into the personal responsibility necessary to heal your relationship.
Kamis, 09 September 2010
5 Actions For Successful Relationships
Couples that have a very good relationship are not just lucky. Successful, loving relationships do not just happen. The couples that have loving relationships are taking specific actions that people in unsuccessful relationships are not taking.
Think for a moment about how you go through your day. Are you focused on what you don’t like in yourself or your partner? Do you spend much of your thinking time judging yourself or your partner? Or, do you make the spiritual attribute of kindness to yourself and others, including your partner, your highest priority?
People in successful relationships treat themselves and their partner with kindness – kind words, kind actions, kind looks, kind listening, and kind thoughts. It is far more important to them to be kind than to try to control their partner with anger, judgment, criticism, irritation, blame, resistance or withdrawal.
People in loving relationships do not make their partner responsible for their feelings. When they feel angry, hurt, anxious, depressed, resentful, irritated, guilty, or shamed, they look within at their own thoughts and behavior that may be causing their painful feelings. They do not see themselves as victims of their partner’s choices. Rather, they learn how to manage their own feelings without dumping their upset on their partner. When they can’t manage their own feelings, they get the help they need rather than dump anger, blame, anxiety or depression onto their partner.
People in successful relationships take responsibility for managing their time and space in ways that work for themselves and their partner. They make sure they have enough time with each other to talk, learn, resolve conflict, play and make love. The make sure they have time with children, time for chores, time for work and time for relaxation. They take care of their mutual living spaces in ways that respect their partner’s needs. If one partner tends to be neat and the other messy, they both strive to make their living environment pleasant for both of them rather than either of them complying, controlling, or resisting. Because their highest priority is kindness to themselves and each other, they are motivated to discover ways of living together that meets both of their needs.
Successful couples make sure that they not only earn enough to support themselves, but they learn how to manage their money in ways that do not create stress for themselves or their partner. They decide mutually if both of them will work or not. Partners in loving relationships do not unilaterally decide to stop working and live off the other person. Nor does either partner make unilateral financial decisions that have a negative effect on the other partner.
In successful relationships, one partner does not spend money in such as way as to create stress for the other person. Loving partners mutually decide on their budget and then both of them stick to it.
When two people care deeply about themselves and each other, they strive to take care of their physical health. Loving partners do not behave in ways that cause their partner to fear for their wellbeing. They do not take unnecessary risks, such as riding a motorcycle without a helmet, or participating in activities that could harm their eyes without wearing goggles. They don’t drink and drive. They eat well, get enough exercise, and don’t smoke. People in loving relationships do not want their partner to suffer the grief of their loss through premature illness, so they strive to take good care of themselves – partly out of caring for themselves, and partly out of caring for their partner.
Once again – successful relationships don’t just happen. They are the result of each person taking physical, emotional, financial, organizational, and spiritual responsibility within their relationship.
Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" and “Healing Your Aloneness.†She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® healing process. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or email her at Phone sessions available.
Rabu, 08 September 2010
10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship
“My parents had a very good relationship,†I often hear my clients say.
“What do you mean by good?†I ask.
“They didn’t fight. They spent a lot of time with each other.â€
That may have been the definition of a good relationship years ago, but now most people want more. Following are ten signs of a healthy relationship.
Is kindness more important to each of you than having your way, being in control, or being right? Do you each receive joy out of being kind to each other? Being kind rather than controlling with each other is essential for a healthy relationship.
Do you and your partner well up with warmth and fullness of heart for each other and express it with affection? Are you each able to see the beautiful essence within each other, rather than just the faults? Are you able to get beyond the outer to the unique inner Self of each other? Do you enjoy sharing affection? Warmth and affection are vital for a healthy relationship.
Can the two of you laugh and play together? Do you appreciate and enjoy each other’s sense of humor? In the midst of difficulties, can you help each other to lighten up with humor? Can you let down and be playful with each other, letting yourselves be like kids together? Laughter and fun play a huge role in a healthy relationship.
Are you both each other’s favorite person to spend time with? Are you motivated to set aside time just to be together?
Do both of you have friends and interests that you enjoy doing? Are both of you fine when you are not together?
Some couples spend a lot of time together because they really enjoy it, while others spend a lot of time together out of fear of being alone. It is important for a healthy relationship for each person to have friends and interests, so that they are not dependent on each other. Dependency is not healthy in a relationship, particularly emotional dependency.
All relationships have some conflict. It is not the conflict that is the issue, but how you deal with it. Do you have a method for resolving conflict, or do the issues just keep getting swept aside? If fighting is part of how you deal with conflict, do you fight fair, or are you hurtful when you fight?
If one or both of you get angry, do you hang on to it, punishing your partner with it, or can you easily let it go? In healthy relationships, both partners are able to quickly move on, back into kindness and affection.
Do you each trust that the love is solid, even in very difficult times between you? Do you each know that you can mess up, fail, disappoint the other, emotionally hurt the other – and the love will still be there? Do you each know that the love is about who you are, not what you do? This level of trust is essential for a healthy relationship.
Do you each feel heard, understood and accepted? Can you share your secrets with your partner without fearing being judged? Are you each more interested in learning about yourselves and each other than you are in controlling each other? Is listening to each other with an open heart and a desire to understand more important than judging each other or defending yourselves?
Is your sexual relationship warm and caring? Can you be sexually spontaneous? Can you talk with each other about what brings pleasure to each of you?
Do you each feel free to be all that you are? Do you each feel supported in pursuing what brings you joy? Does your partner feel joy for your joy?
While some people may naturally be open, kind, affectionate, accepting, and emotionally responsible for themselves, most people need to heal the fears and false beliefs they learned in their families. Healthy relationships evolve as each person evolves in his or her ability to be loving to themselves and each other.
Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" and “Healing Your Aloneness.†She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® healing process. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or email her at Phone sessions available.
Selasa, 07 September 2010
Pernahkah kamu mendengar bahwa hidup adalah pilihan? Ya kita akan memilih jalan hidup kita masing-masing. Mungkin beberapa dari kita sering bergantung pada orang lain dalam menentukan pilihan. Namun pilihan dan masa depan kita tetap berada di tangan kita sendiri. Masalah kesehatan diri juga merupakan salah satu pilihan yang mesti kita tentukan. Kita tentunya ingin selalu sehat dan beraktivitas sebagaimana layaknya remaja lainnya. Tapi semua sangat tergantung kepedulian dan kesadaran kita dalam menjaga kesehatan.
Mengapa kita harus peduli pada kesehatan kita? Banyak alasan yang dapat dipertimbangkan antara lain untuk merasa lebih fit, terlihat menarik, menjadi lebih kuat ataupun alasan lainnya. Banyak orang menganggap kesehatan sebagai harta yang paling berharga. Tanpa kesehatan kita tidak akan bisa melakukan sesuatu yang berharga lainnya, baik bagi diri sendiri maupun orang lain.
Masa remaja merupakan masa yang menentukan dalam hidup kita. Kita dapat mengasah kreativitas serta menuntut ilmu sebaik mungkin untuk menentukan masa depan kita. Berbagai aktivitas remaja seperti saat di sekolah, bersosialisasi dan aktivitas lainnya semua tentunyanya dipengaruhi oleh kesehatan. Coba renungkan, bila sakit atau mengalami kecacatan tentu aktivitas kita tidak seperti sekarang ini.
Terkadang dalam menjaga kesehatan kita memerlukan bantuan dokter serta sumber informasi kesehatan yang dapat dipercaya. Namun sesungguhnya yang paling paham terhadap kondisi tubuh dan riwayat kesehatan adalah diri sendiri. Namun remaja kurang mampu mengungkapkan permasalahan kesehatan yang mereka rasakan kepada orang lain.
Untuk itu kami redaksi RemajaSehat berusaha menyajikan materi sepadat mungkin dengan penekanan poin-poin yang patut diketahui para remaja kita. Selain itu kami juga membuka kolom diskusi untuk pertanyaan yang diajukan via contact us. Materi yang kami sajikan antara lain:
• Peduli Pada Kesehatan Diri
• Diet dan Kebugaran
• Bahaya Rokok
• Kesehatan Alat Reproduksi dan Seksualitas Remaja
• Narkoba dan Alkohol
• Hubungan dan Persahabatan
Jadi Para Remaja sekalian...
Ayo kita sama-sama belajar untuk lebih mengerti dan memahami seputar permasalahan kesehatan diri kita untuk menjadi remaja sehat dan cerdas.
Salam Ikhlas Tizar Rahmawan
Healing from Childhood Abuse
Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
In the 37 years that I have been counseling individuals, I have worked with many people who have suffered from severe physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse in childhood. Many who have sought my help were suffering from fear and anxiety, depression, various addictions, relationship problems and sexual problems. Many of these people had no memory of their childhood and had no idea why there were so unhappy. Many had spent years in therapy yet had never remembered their abuse.
The reason they could not remember the traumatic events of their childhood is because the child or children within, who suffered the abuse, did not feel safe in revealing the abuse. These unconscious inner parts were protecting the person from reliving the horrible pain of the past. These inner children knew that the adult self did not have the strength to learn about and manage the information and the feelings.
In order to remember and heal traumatic events from the past that are affecting you today, you need to have a strong and loving Adult self who is capable of managing emotional pain. Without this loving inner Adult, you may get so flooded and overwhelmed with the feelings of traumatic memories that you cannot function.
The gentle, transformational Inner Bonding process that we teach is a process for developing this strong, loving Adult self. The loving Adult is the aspect of us that is connected with a powerful and loving Source of spiritual guidance – whatever this is for you. Learning and practicing the Inner Bonding process develops your ability to connect with your personal Source of spiritual guidance. It is your connection with your guidance that gives you the strength to manage the intensely painful feelings of childhood abuse.
Once the inner children who hold the memories feel safe that there is a loving Adult self who is capable of managing the feelings, you will start to remember your past. As these memories come up, you will begin to understand the conclusions you drew about yourself that are currently causing your pain. Almost all children who have been abused draw erroneous conclusions about themselves as a result of the abuse – false beliefs such as, “I’m not important.†“I have no worth.†“I am just an object for others’ use.†“I am not lovable.†“I should never have been born.†“I would be better off dead.†“I don’t deserve love.†“I am a bad person.†It is these beliefs that are causing your present pain.
Healing from childhood abuse is not just about remembering the past. It is about remembering the very good reasons you had for drawing the conclusions that are currently causing you such pain. It is about gently and lovingly acknowledging what happened that led to your present beliefs that are now limiting you. It is about learning how to access the truth from your spiritual source so that you can move out of lies that you are telling yourself that are causing your current pain.
Most of us learn to treat ourselves based on how we were treated and how our parents or caregivers treated themselves. When your parents abused you, they were also not taking loving care of themselves and were not role modeling loving self-care. As long as you treat yourself the way your parents or other caregivers treated you and themselves, you will suffer. Healing from childhood abuse is about developing your loving Adult self so that you can learn to treat your inner child or inner children the way you always wanted to be treated.
You CAN fully heal from childhood abuse, but only through learning to access and bring into your being the love, truth, wisdom and strength of your spiritual guidance. Through learning and practicing the Inner Bonding process, you will discover the incredibly beautiful and perfect essence within you – the part of you that was never damaged by the abuse. This is your true Self that will emerge as you heal the false beliefs of your wounded self. This is what will happen as you develop your loving Adult self through learning and practicing the Inner Bonding process.
Senin, 06 September 2010
Emotional Freedom Techique - Finding the Core Issue
Theodore Herazy
Perhaps the most effective way in which to treat a negative emotional issue with Emotional Freedom Technique is to first locate and treat it directly via an early event that started or initiated the onset of a particular personal challenge. Once this core memory is determined, it can be cleared with the Emotional Freedom Techniques process. This will invariably help to resolve that particular issue. However, as easy as this is to report, it is often challenging to simply discover the onset of a core memory.
Body focused approach to identify a core issue
There are many ways to approach the discovery of important cores issues in EFT. These lurk below the surface of many of life�s emotional problems. Sometimes a person will attempt to use logic to follow a problem back in time. This is time consuming, and often doesn't work due to limits of the memory.
Another way exists to uncover the start of an early core memory. It is surprisingly effective with those who are �over thinkers.� In this approach it is necessary to still the inner voice, and tolisten to the voice of the emotions and feel the internal response that caused the inital negative emotions. Use the physical or body region associated with a stressful issue to gain access to long-forgotten memories related to the core issue.
First step
Attempt to tune into the strongest or most common feelings that arise with the stressful emotion or memory. Let us use the example of being afraid of the dark. In this case, simply tune into the feeling of, or to "be with," feeling afraid while alone in the dark. Just remember what the last time was like, what was felt, what was experienced in the dark. Take no effort to recall the specific details of the external environment. Do not think of or recall what was seen or heard; only recall and attempt to relive what was felt while being in the dark. The specific goal is to notice what sensations and feeling are felt during the last fearful episode in the dark, as well as where they were felt.
Second step
Next, describe the physical sensations using as much detail as possible. For instance, where in the chest is the tightness felt? How much of the arm feels heavy and dull? Is the headache on both sides of the head, or just one; front or back? How large an area of the truck does the numbness extend? Is it dull, sharp or perhaps like pressure? And so forth with as details and descriptors whenever possible. By this process of feeling the entire physical experience of the stressful event, it is possible to come closer to the core issue itself.
Third step
After a\reaching a high level of awareness, notice what emotions, memories, internal dialogue or visual scenes come to your awareness. It might be a recollection of sounds, warnings, criticisms, outbursts and conversation. Many times it is not a dialogue that is being recalled, but a replay of what the person has heard others say at the time of the stessful event.
Last step � Float back
Keep the physical sensations going. Allow the memory to "float back" and keep the attention on the details of the bodily sensations, emotions and personal-statements with a casual, relaxed and receptive attitude. Do not work on figuring out anything or making something happen; merely take time to allow the memory of interesting and forgotten thoughts to come to you.
Commonly a memory or image will arise after a short while, and are images connected to the current stressful issue. Do not be impatient with the process. After a few seconds it is common for someone to say, "I can�t think of anything. I am just not good at this kind of thing.� There should be no rush nor effort to think. Feel and experience long-forgotten memories. Almost like memories of a dream. Do not expect too much to happen too quickly, since this will stop information from surfacing. Take an attitude of no pressure, a relaxed state of mind in which thoughts come and go freely.
If you do not feel anything in their body, this can be significant as the actual problem being addressed. Since taking hte time to notice one's breath is an exercise in bodily awareness, this will bring energy into the body by way of greater oxygen flow, but deeper relaxation that comes with deeper breathing will enhance the ability to feel bodily sensations.
With a little coaxing and relaxed repetition, it is possible to recall an experience or scene related to the early onset of the stressful event or emotion. Once you achiee that memory, you are well on your way to great emotional release when treated with Emotional Freedom Technique.
Dr. Theodore Herazy is a prolific writer on a wide variety of Alternative Medicine topics; he has authored hundreds of articles and two books in the area of men's health and nutrition. He primarily has used EFT on a daily basis to treat his patients for the last 10 years, and is considered an expert in the field of energy psychology. Visit EFT by Telephone
Emotional Freedom Technique - Identifying Core Issues
Perhaps the most effective way in which to treat a negative emotional issue with Emotional Freedom Technique is to first locate and treat it directly via an early event that started or initiated the onset of a particular personal challenge. Once this core memory is determined, it can be cleared with the Emotional Freedom Techniques process. This will invariably help to resolve that particular issue. However, as easy as this is to report, it is often challenging to simply discover the onset of a core memory.
Body focused approach to identify a core issue
There are many ways to approach the discovery of important cores issues in EFT. These lurk below the surface of many of life�s emotional problems. Sometimes a person will attempt to use logic to follow a problem back in time. This is time consuming, and often doesn't work due to limits of the memory.
Another way exists to uncover the start of an early core memory. It is surprisingly effective with those who are �over thinkers.� In this approach it is necessary to still the inner voice, and tolisten to the voice of the emotions and feel the internal response that caused the inital negative emotions. Use the physical or body region associated with a stressful issue to gain access to long-forgotten memories related to the core issue.
First step
Attempt to tune into the strongest or most common feelings that arise with the stressful emotion or memory. Let us use the example of being afraid of the dark. In this case, simply tune into the feeling of, or to "be with," feeling afraid while alone in the dark. Just remember what the last time was like, what was felt, what was experienced in the dark. Take no effort to recall the specific details of the external environment. Do not think of or recall what was seen or heard; only recall and attempt to relive what was felt while being in the dark. The specific goal is to notice what sensations and feeling are felt during the last fearful episode in the dark, as well as where they were felt.
Second step
Next, describe the physical sensations using as much detail as possible. For instance, where in the chest is the tightness felt? How much of the arm feels heavy and dull? Is the headache on both sides of the head, or just one; front or back? How large an area of the truck does the numbness extend? Is it dull, sharp or perhaps like pressure? And so forth with as details and descriptors whenever possible. By this process of feeling the entire physical experience of the stressful event, it is possible to come closer to the core issue itself.
Third step
After a\reaching a high level of awareness, notice what emotions, memories, internal dialogue or visual scenes come to your awareness. It might be a recollection of sounds, warnings, criticisms, outbursts and conversation. Many times it is not a dialogue that is being recalled, but a replay of what the person has heard others say at the time of the stessful event.
Last step � Float back
Keep the physical sensations going. Allow the memory to "float back" and keep the attention on the details of the bodily sensations, emotions and personal-statements with a casual, relaxed and receptive attitude. Do not work on figuring out anything or making something happen; merely take time to allow the memory of interesting and forgotten thoughts to come to you.
Commonly a memory or image will arise after a short while, and are images connected to the current stressful issue. Do not be impatient with the process. After a few seconds it is common for someone to say, "I can�t think of anything. I am just not good at this kind of thing.� There should be no rush nor effort to think. Feel and experience long-forgotten memories. Almost like memories of a dream. Do not expect too much to happen too quickly, since this will stop information from surfacing. Take an attitude of no pressure, a relaxed state of mind in which thoughts come and go freely.
If you do not feel anything in their body, this can be significant as the actual problem being addressed. Since taking hte time to notice one's breath is an exercise in bodily awareness, this will bring energy into the body by way of greater oxygen flow, but deeper relaxation that comes with deeper breathing will enhance the ability to feel bodily sensations.
With a little coaxing and relaxed repetition, it is possible to recall an experience or scene related to the early onset of the stressful event or emotion. Once you achiee that memory, you are well on your way to great emotional release when treated with Emotional Freedom technique.
Dr. Theodore Herazy is a prolific writer on a wide variety of Alternative Medicine topics; he has authored hundreds of articles and two books in the area of men's health and nutrition. He primarily has used EFT on a daily basis to treat his patients for the last 10 years, and is considered an expert in the field of energy psychology. Visit for additional information on many EFT topics and information about doing EFT by phone.
Minggu, 05 September 2010
Emotional Freedom Technique - Tapping Points
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is much more than a collection of particular tapping points; it is a self-administered method of energy psychology that to reduce a wide variety of emotional stresses.
The ability of EFT to favorably influence stressful emotions resides primarily in the ability to locate and remain focused on the correct issue that generates the greatest emotional stress, all while doing the standard Emotional Freedom Technique procedure. If a person is unable to determine the best and most stressful issue on which apply EFT, it is still helpful to create an accurate EFT set-up statement about the stressful issue and remain focused on it. Without the ability to isolate and hold onto the thought of an important stressful issue, using the EFT tapping points will not offer the kind of relief from negative emotions that results from clearly focused can offer.
This does not mean EFT tapping points are unimportant? While the actual EFT tapping points are important, the act of physically tapping during an Emotional Freedom Technique session is not nearly as important as selecting the correct issue to address, and how to compose the set-up statement about that issue. For greatest success it is important to invest time and effort to collect, prepare and mentally lock onto the memory or feeling that developed when your energy system became disrupted so long ago.
General EFT tapping point information
Some quick information about EFT tapping points in general:
1. Use several fingers to tap on each point, so you do not miss anything. Like using a big hammer, you will not miss the target.
2. Tap gently but firmly, fast enough that you tap maybe 5-7 times in 1-2 seconds.
3. Most EFT tapping points are bilateral, meaning they are found on both the right and left side of the body. It is not necessary to tap on both sides; tap on whatever side feels comfortable. You can tap on the left side only, on the right side only, switch between right and left, or you can even tap on both sides at the same time. It doesn�t make much difference, just tap on at least one of each tapping points.
4. Tap with the tips of fingers, not the fleshy pads.
5. Tap firmly, but never so much to hurt yourself.
6. With the exception of the top of the collarbone and under the arm points, I suggest using 2-3 fingers at each tapping point.
7. Remove your eyeglasses, watch and other jewelry that might interfere with reaching the EFT tapping points.
Either of two EFT tapping points used during the Set-Up Statement
There are two points you can �tap on� while repeating the EFT set-up statement. One is called the Karate Chop (KC) point. It is located at the outer edge of the hand just below the knuckle of the little finger. Not on the side of the knuckle, but below it.
The alternate point to use while repeating the set-up statement is called the Sore Spot; it is not at all a small point like the others, but more like an area covering a 2-3 inch circle. It is well known as a neurolymphatic drainage area that removes toxins from all the tissues above it. The Sore Spot is located on the upper and outer part of the chest, over the pectoral muscle, below the outer part of the collarbone, before you reach the head of the arm bone at the shoulder joint.
Seven EFT tapping points used with the Reminder Phrase
Next we will describe the location of the seven EFT tapping points used during the Reminder Phrase portion of an EFT round. These are all located either on the face or truck � five on the face and two on the trunk.
1. EYE BROW (EB) � The highest one, located at the beginning of the eyebrow, near the center of the face and near the nose. Use 2-3 fingers on either one of the two eyebrow points.
2. SIDE of EYE (SE) � Located near the outer end of the eyebrow, on the bone at the side of the eye. It is not close to the eye, and it is not on the temple. It is very near the end of the eyebrow. Use 2-3 fingers to tap here.
3. UNDER the EYE (UE) � Found under the eye in line with the pupil, very near the boney ridge of the eye socket. Again, you can use 2-3 fingers to tap on either of these two points.
4. UNDER the NOSE (UN) � Locate above the mouth, about half way between the nose and the upper lip. As you can see, there is only one. Once again, use 2-3 fingers to tap here.
5. CHIN (CH) � Right below and in line with the Under the Nose point, located below the mouth, mid-way between the lower lip and the chin, in a little indentation. Again, only one chin point. Use 2-3 fingers to tap on it.
6. COLLARBONE (CB) � Located just a little bit to the side of where a man�s tie would be knotted, or about an inch down from the collarbone and a little away from the breastbone, in a meaty little pocket of tissue. You can use 3-4 fingers to tap on this point.
7. UNDER the ARM (UA) � The last point is found about half way between the top of the arm pit and the lower ribs, in the midline of the lateral chest. It is also about at the level of a woman�s bra strap, at the most lateral part of the chest. You can use 3-4 fingers to tap on this point.
These are the EFT tapping points used in energy psychology. By themselves, they are simply areas on the body that are used to deliver acupuncture therapy; when combined with the proper concepts and phraseology during an EFT session, they can help change your life.
Dr. Theodore Herazy is a prolific writer on a wide variety of Alternative Medicine topics; he has authored hundreds of articles and two books in the area of men's health and nutrition. He primarily has used EFT on a daily basis to treat his patients for the last 10 years, and is considered an expert in the field of energy psychology. Visit for additional information on many EFT topics and information about doing EFT by phone.
Sabtu, 04 September 2010
Cognitive Skills Determine Learning Ability
Cognitive Skills Determine Learning Ability
by: Susan du Plessis
Research has shown that cognitive skills are a determining factor of an individual's learning ability. Cognitive skills are mental skills that are used in the process of acquiring knowledge; according to the skills that "separate the good learners from the so-so learners." In essence, when cognitive skills are strong, learning is fast and easy. When cognitive skills are weak, learning becomes a struggle.
Many children become frustrated and find schoolwork difficult because they do not have the cognitive skills required to process information properly. Many employees find themselves stuck in dead-end jobs that do not tap into their true vocational potential due to weak cognitive skills. In the later years of life, a lack of cognitive skills -- poor concentration, the inability to focus, and memory loss -- is a common problem that accompanies us.
It should be noted that, irrespective of age, cognitive skills can be improved with the right training. Weak cognitive skills can be strengthened, and normal cognitive skills can be enhanced to increase ease and performance in learning.
The following cognitive skills are the most important:
Concentration is the ability to focus the attention on one single thought or subject, excluding everything else from the field of awareness. It is one of the most important abilities one should possess, as nothing great can be achieved without it.
Students need to concentrate and focus on completing a homework assignment, a project, or review for a test in order to excel in school, learn the subject, and get good grades. Athletes need to concentrate on performance, execution, and strategy in order to do their best and overcome their opponent. Entrepreneurs need to concentrate on all the factors involved in starting a new business and promoting their product or service. They need to do this in order to get their idea off the ground and make their enterprise into a profitable entity. Business leaders need to concentrate on their company mission, vision, and strategies, as well as the work at hand, in order to stay ahead of their competitors. Workers need to concentrate on their jobs and fulfilling their supervisor's goals, in order to complete projects and advance in their careers.
Improving the ability to concentrate allows a person to avoid the problems, embarrassment, and difficulties that occur when the mind wanders. Better concentration makes studying easier and speeds up comprehension. It enables one to take advantage of the social and business opportunities that arise when individuals are fully attuned to the world around them. It helps one to focus on one's goals and achieve them more easily.
Sensation is the pickup of information by our sensory receptors, for example the eyes, ears, skin, nostrils, and tongue. In vision, sensation occurs as rays of light are collected by the two eyes and focused on the retina. In hearing, sensation occurs as waves of pulsating air are collected by the outer ear and transmitted through the bones of the middle ear to the cochlear nerve.
Perception, on the other hand, is the interpretation of what is sensed. The physical events transmitted to the retina may be interpreted as a particular color, pattern, or shape. The physical events picked up by the ear may be interpreted as musical sounds, a human voice, noise, and so forth.
Lack of experience may cause a person to misinterpret what he has sensed. In other words, perception represents our apprehension of a present situation in terms of our past experiences, or, as stated by the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804): "We see things not as they are but as we are."
Deficits in visual perception can hinder a person's ability to make sense of information received through the eyes, while deficits in auditory perception interferes with an individual's ability to analyze or make sense of information received through the ears.
A classic example of a deficit in visual perception is the child who confuses letters such as b, d, p and q. Many adults find their reading speed to be inadequate as a result of underlying perceptual deficits.
By improving accuracy and speed of perception, one is able to absorb and process information accurately and quickly. Reading speed will also improve and reading problems can be overcome.
Memory is probably the most important of all cognitive functions.
Roughly speaking, the sensory register concerns memories that last no more than about a second or two. If a line of print were flashed at you very rapidly, say, for one-tenth of a second, all the letters you can visualize for a brief moment after that presentation constitute the sensory register.
When you are trying to recall a telephone number that was heard a few seconds earlier, the name of a person who has just been introduced, or the substance of the remarks just made by a teacher in class, you are calling on short-term memory, or working memory. This lasts from a few seconds to a minute; the exact amount of time may vary somewhat. You need this kind of memory to retain ideas and thoughts as you work on problems. In writing a letter, for example, you must be able to keep the last sentence in mind as you compose the next. To solve an arithmetic problem like (3 X 3) + (4 X 2) in your head, you need to keep the intermediate results in mind (i.e., 3 X 3 = 9) to be able to solve the entire problem.
A poor short-term memory may lead to difficulties in processing, understanding and organization. By improving one's short-term memory, one is better able to process, understand and organize incoming information.
Long-term memory is the ability to store information and later retrieve it, and lasts from a minute or so to weeks or even years. From long-term memory you can recall general information about the world that you learned on previous occasions, memory for specific past experiences, specific rules previously learned, and the like.
Research has shown that, on average, within 24 hours one forgets 80% of what one has learned. By improving long-term memory schoolchildren and students are able to store and retrieve information more effectively.
Visual memory is a person's ability to remember what he has seen, while auditory memory is a person's ability to remember what he has heard. Various researchers have stated that as much as eighty percent of all learning takes place through the eye. Needless to say, improving visual memory will have a tremendous effect on a person's learning ability. The same is true of improving auditory memory.
Logical thinking is a learned process in which one uses reasoning consistently to arrive at a conclusion. Problems or situations that involve logical thinking call for structure, for relationships between facts, and for chains of reasoning that "make sense."
According to Dr. Albrecht, author of "Brain Building", the basis of all logical thinking is sequential thought. This process involves taking the important ideas, facts, and conclusions involved in a problem and arranging them in a chain-like progression that takes on a meaning in and of itself. To think logically is to think in steps.
The ability to think logically allows a person to reject quick and easy answers, such as "I don't know," or "this is too difficult," by empowering him to delve deeper into his thinking processes and understand better the methods used to arrive at a solution. It has been shown that training in logical thinking processes makes a person brighter.
Visit Susan's website A 2 Z of Learning for information on Audiblox and Compublox, two cognitive enhancement programs, designed to improve concentration, perception, memory, and logical thinking.
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Be Healthier and More Productive with Positive Habits
Be Healthier and More Productive with Positive Habits
by: Dan Robey
Copyright 2005 Dan Robey
Did you know that habits are incredibly powerful tools for personal growth and success?
Think about the habits you have now and how they affect virtually every aspect of your life. Your weight and health are determined by your eating habits. Your relationships with people are determined by your social habits. Your success at work is determined by your work habits. You have sleeping habits that dictate how well you sleep. You have sexual habits. You even have buying habits; just take a look around your house and you will quickly see them. Our character, health and virtually every aspect of our lives are indeed determined by our habits.
If you ask ten people on the street what the word habit means, nine out of ten will tell you that a habit is a negative action that people do over and over again, like smoking, or procrastinating, or eating too much. Bad habits get all the press. Let’s look at the results of just one bad habit: smoking. Every year, over 400,000 people lose their
lives to smoking-related illnesses in the United States. Imagine then, the negative power that exists in just that one bad habit. It is staggering.
Now I want you think about an even greater power, a power that can bring you success, health and happiness; a power for positive, permanent, and automatic personal growth: the power of positive habits. Let’s look a little closer at the meaning of the word habit. Random House dictionary defines habit in this way:
Habit: An acquired behavior pattern regularly
followed until it has become almost involuntary.
The important words in this definition are acquired and almost involuntary. Let me ask you a question. When is the last time you sat down and said to yourself, “Today I am going to add a new habit to my life?� I would venture to guess that you have probably never said those words. As you read this article, you will see how easy it is to add positive habits to your life and the great power they have to change it. Think about the words almost involuntary. This means the habit is so powerful in your mind that it is almost unstoppable! With respect to bad habits like smoking, procrastination, and overeating, this is very bad. But with positive habits, this is very, very good.
What is a positive habit? A positive habit is simply a habit that produces positive benefits, actions and attitudes you want to acquire and make a part of your life. Why is there such great power in positive habits to effect change? Because habits, by their very nature, are automatic. After a period of time they can become permanent.
So how do we go about adding new positive habits to our life? It’s really quite easy. You simply begin repeating an action, attitude or thought process every day for at least 21 days. Research has shown that an action that is repeated for a minimum of 21 days is likely to become a permanent habit. Remember that positive habits have positive benefits and you will reap those benefits for as long as you maintain that habit. So now that we know what positive habits are, and how to acquire them, let’s look at a couple of simple positive habits that will make you healthier and more productive.
Positive Habit #1 - Take Flax Every Day for a Healthy, Trim Body
and Lower Cholesterol!
What is flax?
Flax is a blue-flowering plant known for its oil-rich seed. People have been eating flaxseed since ancient times, it has a pleasant, nutty flavor. The health benefits of flaxseed and flaxseed oil are significant and for that reason this habit is recommended as a primary habit for health and a trim and fit body. Here are some of the benefits of flaxseed and flaxseed oil:
Flaxseed contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. Several studies have shown that flaxseed can help to lower cholesterol in the same way that other soluble fiber foods like oat bran and fruit pectin do. A study at the University of Toronto showed that total cholesterol levels dropped 9% and LDL (the “bad� cholesterol) decreased 18% among a group of women who ate milled flaxseed cooked into bread every day for a period of 4 weeks.
Flaxseed is one of the richest sources of lignans and alpha-linolenic acid. Studies suggest that lignans may help to prevent certain cancers. Flaxseed is one of the few plants in the plant kingdom that provide a high ratio of alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) to linoleic (omega-6 fatty acids), it is an excellent source of healthy polyunsaturated fat.
A new study has confirmed that the positive habit of taking flax seed daily can help you get a trim and fit body. I interviewed Dr. Sam Bhathena, a researcher at the Phytonutrients Laboratory of the US department of Agriculture, he said, “we have observed that flax seed meal is much more effective in lowering cholesterol then soy. Several other studies have shown that in general, omega-3 fatty acids,lower lipid deposition, and help in reducing body weight.�
Omega-3 fatty acids — More than half the fat contained in flaxseed is omega-3 fatty acid type, an essential fatty acid. There have been numerous studies reporting the health benefits of consuming omega-3 fats. Recent studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids which are abundant in flax seed can help protect you from coronary artery disease, stroke, high blood pressure, autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. Studies on the effects of flax seed on breast cancer are now under way. Omega-3s can also help boost your metabolism, helping your body to burn calories faster. You can purchase raw flax seed, ground flax seed and flax seed oil at most health food stores.
Positive Habits #2 Be More Productive With the 4-D Habit
Many of us are stressed out by the negative effects of work overload in our careers. The 4-D habit is a very simple positive habit that will help you to prevent work overload and be more productive. Every time you are faced with a new task to perform, apply the 4 D’s as listed below. You will find that your workload will be reduced as you apply this screening and decision making tool to each task you are confronted with. Decide on the most appropriate choice – and take action.
Do It Now – take immediate action, do the task right away, don’t procrastinate.
Dump It Now – make a quick decision and dump the task.
Delegate It – give the task to someone else. This is a very critical aspect of time management. Your time is valuable; make it a habit to work on tasks that you do best and delegate the tasks that can be performed by someone else.
Defer the Task – make an immediate decision to postpone the task to a later time. Make sure to schedule a time to complete it.
Dan Robey is the author of the Best-Selling book "The Power of Positive Habits" now published in 22 countries worldwide. There are dozens and dozens of scientifically researched postive habits that can change your life in Dan's book. To learn more and subscribe to a complementary e-course on Positive Habits go to:
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Jumat, 03 September 2010
PERILAKU seksual ialah perilaku yang melibatkan sentuhan secara fisik anggota badan antara pria dan wanita yang telah mencapai pada tahap hubungan intim, yang biasanya dilakukan oleh pasangan suami istri. Sedangkan perilaku seks pranikah merupakan perilaku seks yang dilakukan tanpa melalui proses pernikahan yang resmi menurut hukum maupun menurut agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing individu.
Perilaku seks pranikah ini memang kasat mata, namun ia tidak terjadi dengan sendirinya melainkan didorong atau dimotivasi oleh faktor-faktor internal yang tidak dapat diamati secara langsung (tidak kasat mata). Dengan demikian individu tersebut tergerak untuk melakukan perilaku seks pranikah.
Motivasi merupakan penggerak perilaku. Hubungan antar kedua konstruk ini cukup kompleks, antara lain dapat dilihat sebagai berikut : Motivasi yang sama dapat saja menggerakkan perilaku yang berbeda, demikian pula perilaku yang sama dapat saja diarahkan oleh motivasi yang berbeda.
Motivasi tertentu akan mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan perilaku tertentu pula. Pada seorang remaja, perilaku seks pranikah tersebut dapat dimotivasi oleh rasa sayang dan cinta dengan didominasi oleh perasaan kedekatan dan gairah yang tinggi terhadap pasangannya, tanpa disertai komitmen yang jelas (menurut Sternberg hal ini dinamakan romantic love); atau karena pengaruh kelompok (konformitas), dimana remaja tersebut ingin menjadi bagian dari kelompoknya dengan mengikuti norma-norma yang telah dianut oleh kelompoknya, dalam hal ini kelompoknya telah melakukan perilaku seks pranikah.
Faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi seorang remaja melakukan seks pranikah karena ia didorong oleh rasa ingin tahu yang besar untuk mencoba segala hal yang belum diketahui. Hal tersebut merupakan ciri-ciri remaja pada umumnya, mereka ingin mengetahui banyak hal yang hanya dapat dipuaskan serta diwujudkannya melalui pengalaman mereka sendiri, "Learning by doing".
Disinilah suatu masalah acap kali muncul dalam kehidupan remaja karena mereka ingin mencoba-coba segala hal, termasuk yang berhubungan dengan fungsi ketubuhannya yang juga melibatkan pasangannya. Namun dibalik itu semua, faktor internal yang paling mempengaruhi perilaku seksual remaja sehingga mengarah pada perilaku seksual pranikah pada remaja adalah berkembangnya organ seksual. Dikatakan bahwa gonads (kelenjar seks) yang tetap bekerja (seks primer) bukan saja berpengaruh pada penyempurnaan tubuh (khususnya yang berhubungan dengan ciri-ciri seks sekunder), melainkan juga berpengaruh jauh pada kehidupan psikis, moral, dan sosial.
Pada kehidupan psikis remaja, perkembangan organ seksual mempunyai pengaruh kuat dalam minat remaja terhadap lawan jenis kelamin. Ketertarikkan antar lawan jenis ini kemudian berkembang ke pola kencan yang lebih serius serta memilih pasangan kencan dan romans yang akan ditetapkan sebagai teman hidup. Sedangkan pada kehidupan moral, seiringan dengan bekerjanya gonads, tak jarang timbul konflik dalam diri remaja. Masalah yang timbul yaitu akibat adanya dorongan seks dan pertimbangan moral sering kali bertentangan.
Bila dorongan seks terlalu besar sehingga menimbulkan konflik yang kuat, maka dorongan seks tersebut cenderung untuk dimenangkan dengan berbagai dalih sebagai pembenaran diri.
Pengaruh perkembangan organ seksual pada kehidupan sosial ialah remaja dapat memperoleh teman baru, mengadakan jalinan cinta dengan lawan jenisnya. Jalinan cinta ini tidak lagi menampakkan pemujaan secara berlebihan terhadap lawan jenis dan "cinta monyet" pun tidak tampak lagi. Mereka benar-benar terpaut hatinya pada seorang lawan jenis, sehingga terikat oleh tali cinta.
Perlu pula dijelaskan bahwa pertumbuhan kelenjar-kelenjar seks (gonads) remaja, sesungguhnya merupakan bagian integral dari pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jasmani secara menyeluruh. Selain itu, energi seksual atau libido/nafsu pun telah mengalami perintisan yang cukup panjang; Sigmund Freud mengatakan bahwa dorongan seksual yang diiringi oleh nafsu atau libido telah ada sejak terbentuknya Id. Namun dorongan seksual ini mengalami kematangan pada usia usia remaja. Karena itulah, dengan adanya pertumbuhan ini maka dibutuhkan penyaluran dalam bentuk perilaku seksual tertentu.
Cukup naïf bila kita tidak menyinggung faktor lingkungan, yang memiliki peran yang tidak kalah penting dengan faktor pendorong perilaku seksual pranikah lainnya. Faktor lingkungan ini bervariasi macamnya, ada teman sepermainan (peer-group), pengaruh media dan televisi, bahkan faktor orang tua sendiri.
Pada masa remaja, kedekatannya dengan peer-groupnya sangat tinggi karena selain ikatan peer-group menggantikan ikatan keluarga, mereka juga merupakan sumber afeksi, simpati, dan pengertian, saling berbagi pengalaman dan sebagai tempat remaja untuk mencapai otonomi dan independensi.
Maka tak heran bila remaja mempunyai kecenderungan untuk mengadopsi informasi yang diterima oleh teman-temannya, tanpa memiliki dasar informasi yang signifikan dari sumber yang lebih dapat dipercaya. Informasi dari teman-temannya tersebut, dalam hal ini sehubungan dengan perilaku seks pranikah, tak jarang menimbulkan rasa penasaran yang membentuk serangkaian pertanyaan dalam diri remaja. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu sekaligus membuktikan kebenaran informasi yang diterima, mereka cenderung melakukan dan mengalami perilaku seks pranikah itu sendiri.
Pengaruh media dan televisi pun sering kali diimitasi oleh remaja dalam perilakunya sehari-hari. Misalnya saja remaja yang menonton film remaja yang berkebudayaan barat, melalui observational learning, mereka melihat perilaku seks itu menyenangkan dan dapat diterima lingkungan. Hal ini pun diimitasi oleh mereka, terkadang tanpa memikirkan adanya perbedaan kebudayaan, nilai serta norma-norma dalam lingkungan masyakarat yang berbeda.
Perilaku yang tidak sesuai dengan tugas perkembangan remaja pada umumnya dapat dipengaruhi orang tua. Bilamana orang tua mampu memberikan pemahaman mengenai perilaku seks kepada anak-anaknya, maka anak-anaknya cenderung mengontrol perilaku seksnya itu sesuai dengan pemahaman yang diberikan orang tuanya.
Hal ini terjadi karena pada dasarnya pendidikan seks yang terbaik adalah yang diberikan oleh orang tua sendiri, dan dapat pula diwujudkan melalui cara hidup orang tua dalam keluarga sebagai suami-istri yang bersatu dalam perkawinan.
Kesulitan yang timbul kemudian adalah apabila pengetahuan orang tua kurang memadai menyebabkan sikap kurang terbuka dan cenderung tidak memberikan pemahaman tentang masalah-masalah seks anak. Akibatnya anak mendapatkan informasi seks yang tidak sehat. Seorang peneliti menyimpulkan hasil penelitiannya sebagai berikut: informasi seks yang tidak sehat atau tidak sesuai dengan perkembangan usia remaja ini mengakibatkan remaja terlibat dalam kasus-kasus berupa konflik-konflik dan gangguan mental, ide-ide yang salah dan ketakutan-ketakutan yang berhubungan dengan seks. Dalam hal ini, terciptanya konflik dan gangguan mental serta ide-ide yang salah dapat memungkinkan seorang remaja untuk melakukan perilaku seks pranikah.[]
Perilaku seks pranikah ini memang kasat mata, namun ia tidak terjadi dengan sendirinya melainkan didorong atau dimotivasi oleh faktor-faktor internal yang tidak dapat diamati secara langsung (tidak kasat mata). Dengan demikian individu tersebut tergerak untuk melakukan perilaku seks pranikah.
Motivasi merupakan penggerak perilaku. Hubungan antar kedua konstruk ini cukup kompleks, antara lain dapat dilihat sebagai berikut : Motivasi yang sama dapat saja menggerakkan perilaku yang berbeda, demikian pula perilaku yang sama dapat saja diarahkan oleh motivasi yang berbeda.
Motivasi tertentu akan mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan perilaku tertentu pula. Pada seorang remaja, perilaku seks pranikah tersebut dapat dimotivasi oleh rasa sayang dan cinta dengan didominasi oleh perasaan kedekatan dan gairah yang tinggi terhadap pasangannya, tanpa disertai komitmen yang jelas (menurut Sternberg hal ini dinamakan romantic love); atau karena pengaruh kelompok (konformitas), dimana remaja tersebut ingin menjadi bagian dari kelompoknya dengan mengikuti norma-norma yang telah dianut oleh kelompoknya, dalam hal ini kelompoknya telah melakukan perilaku seks pranikah.
Faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi seorang remaja melakukan seks pranikah karena ia didorong oleh rasa ingin tahu yang besar untuk mencoba segala hal yang belum diketahui. Hal tersebut merupakan ciri-ciri remaja pada umumnya, mereka ingin mengetahui banyak hal yang hanya dapat dipuaskan serta diwujudkannya melalui pengalaman mereka sendiri, "Learning by doing".
Disinilah suatu masalah acap kali muncul dalam kehidupan remaja karena mereka ingin mencoba-coba segala hal, termasuk yang berhubungan dengan fungsi ketubuhannya yang juga melibatkan pasangannya. Namun dibalik itu semua, faktor internal yang paling mempengaruhi perilaku seksual remaja sehingga mengarah pada perilaku seksual pranikah pada remaja adalah berkembangnya organ seksual. Dikatakan bahwa gonads (kelenjar seks) yang tetap bekerja (seks primer) bukan saja berpengaruh pada penyempurnaan tubuh (khususnya yang berhubungan dengan ciri-ciri seks sekunder), melainkan juga berpengaruh jauh pada kehidupan psikis, moral, dan sosial.
Pada kehidupan psikis remaja, perkembangan organ seksual mempunyai pengaruh kuat dalam minat remaja terhadap lawan jenis kelamin. Ketertarikkan antar lawan jenis ini kemudian berkembang ke pola kencan yang lebih serius serta memilih pasangan kencan dan romans yang akan ditetapkan sebagai teman hidup. Sedangkan pada kehidupan moral, seiringan dengan bekerjanya gonads, tak jarang timbul konflik dalam diri remaja. Masalah yang timbul yaitu akibat adanya dorongan seks dan pertimbangan moral sering kali bertentangan.
Bila dorongan seks terlalu besar sehingga menimbulkan konflik yang kuat, maka dorongan seks tersebut cenderung untuk dimenangkan dengan berbagai dalih sebagai pembenaran diri.
Pengaruh perkembangan organ seksual pada kehidupan sosial ialah remaja dapat memperoleh teman baru, mengadakan jalinan cinta dengan lawan jenisnya. Jalinan cinta ini tidak lagi menampakkan pemujaan secara berlebihan terhadap lawan jenis dan "cinta monyet" pun tidak tampak lagi. Mereka benar-benar terpaut hatinya pada seorang lawan jenis, sehingga terikat oleh tali cinta.
Perlu pula dijelaskan bahwa pertumbuhan kelenjar-kelenjar seks (gonads) remaja, sesungguhnya merupakan bagian integral dari pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jasmani secara menyeluruh. Selain itu, energi seksual atau libido/nafsu pun telah mengalami perintisan yang cukup panjang; Sigmund Freud mengatakan bahwa dorongan seksual yang diiringi oleh nafsu atau libido telah ada sejak terbentuknya Id. Namun dorongan seksual ini mengalami kematangan pada usia usia remaja. Karena itulah, dengan adanya pertumbuhan ini maka dibutuhkan penyaluran dalam bentuk perilaku seksual tertentu.
Cukup naïf bila kita tidak menyinggung faktor lingkungan, yang memiliki peran yang tidak kalah penting dengan faktor pendorong perilaku seksual pranikah lainnya. Faktor lingkungan ini bervariasi macamnya, ada teman sepermainan (peer-group), pengaruh media dan televisi, bahkan faktor orang tua sendiri.
Pada masa remaja, kedekatannya dengan peer-groupnya sangat tinggi karena selain ikatan peer-group menggantikan ikatan keluarga, mereka juga merupakan sumber afeksi, simpati, dan pengertian, saling berbagi pengalaman dan sebagai tempat remaja untuk mencapai otonomi dan independensi.
Maka tak heran bila remaja mempunyai kecenderungan untuk mengadopsi informasi yang diterima oleh teman-temannya, tanpa memiliki dasar informasi yang signifikan dari sumber yang lebih dapat dipercaya. Informasi dari teman-temannya tersebut, dalam hal ini sehubungan dengan perilaku seks pranikah, tak jarang menimbulkan rasa penasaran yang membentuk serangkaian pertanyaan dalam diri remaja. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu sekaligus membuktikan kebenaran informasi yang diterima, mereka cenderung melakukan dan mengalami perilaku seks pranikah itu sendiri.
Pengaruh media dan televisi pun sering kali diimitasi oleh remaja dalam perilakunya sehari-hari. Misalnya saja remaja yang menonton film remaja yang berkebudayaan barat, melalui observational learning, mereka melihat perilaku seks itu menyenangkan dan dapat diterima lingkungan. Hal ini pun diimitasi oleh mereka, terkadang tanpa memikirkan adanya perbedaan kebudayaan, nilai serta norma-norma dalam lingkungan masyakarat yang berbeda.
Perilaku yang tidak sesuai dengan tugas perkembangan remaja pada umumnya dapat dipengaruhi orang tua. Bilamana orang tua mampu memberikan pemahaman mengenai perilaku seks kepada anak-anaknya, maka anak-anaknya cenderung mengontrol perilaku seksnya itu sesuai dengan pemahaman yang diberikan orang tuanya.
Hal ini terjadi karena pada dasarnya pendidikan seks yang terbaik adalah yang diberikan oleh orang tua sendiri, dan dapat pula diwujudkan melalui cara hidup orang tua dalam keluarga sebagai suami-istri yang bersatu dalam perkawinan.
Kesulitan yang timbul kemudian adalah apabila pengetahuan orang tua kurang memadai menyebabkan sikap kurang terbuka dan cenderung tidak memberikan pemahaman tentang masalah-masalah seks anak. Akibatnya anak mendapatkan informasi seks yang tidak sehat. Seorang peneliti menyimpulkan hasil penelitiannya sebagai berikut: informasi seks yang tidak sehat atau tidak sesuai dengan perkembangan usia remaja ini mengakibatkan remaja terlibat dalam kasus-kasus berupa konflik-konflik dan gangguan mental, ide-ide yang salah dan ketakutan-ketakutan yang berhubungan dengan seks. Dalam hal ini, terciptanya konflik dan gangguan mental serta ide-ide yang salah dapat memungkinkan seorang remaja untuk melakukan perilaku seks pranikah